Sunday 19 May 2013

Lilies can never be Roses!

One of the best stories I have ever read.
Once upon a time, a father took his son to a revered spiritual guru. He complained that his son was deeply interested in pursuing a career in music, but he wanted him to pursue a career in agriculture. “Please guide him master,” the father pleaded, “for many months I have been trying to convince him that by pursuing agriculture, he can earn more money for the family, but he just doesn’t listen. All he does is fiddle with his instruments the whole day long.”
The master did not say anything but requested the father to meet him the next day.
And the father did as he was told, and reached the monastery early next morning. He looked everywhere but couldn’t find the master. Finally, he was about to leave, he saw the master standing in the corner of the garden outside the monastery. He seemed to be in a really bad temper.
“I want you to be roses! Don’t you understand?” he was screaming to a fresh lily blossom. “I want you to be roses!”
To the father’s amazement, he went to the master and asked about what was on?
And the master replied, “I have been telling them to be roses. But they just don’t seem to listen!”
Father: “But why do you want roses?”
Master: “Because roses will get me more money!”
Father: “But how can you expect a lily plant to bear roses?”
“The same way you expect a musician to become a farmer!” the master chuckled.
The father instantly understood. From that day onwards, he stopped nagging at his son and instead focused on his innate talent. And legend says, that little boy became one of the greatest musicians that the country had produced!
You are the best when you are YOU!

Reference: Book - He Swam With Sharks for An Ice-cream

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